Sunday, December 20, 2015

My AE86 Corolla Part 7 - Summertime and Issues

Summer finally came and I am giddy with excitement to get behind the wheel of this Corolla!
However some things just did not line up...literately...
- The exhaust manifold I ordered from XS-Power did not fit, the flange was for a 20V motor, so the three bolts I used to test it fit just fine, but the other 2 do not line up, what a pain in the ass (Also they did nothing when I called/emailed, so I highly recommend not doing business with them!)
- My wiring was not connecting like it should, and I ended up trading some parts for a full (Used) harness set from a 1985 GT-S, including the under dash, front chassis and motor harnesses for the swap. The "uncut" harness had a few splices in it that caused most of the gauge cluster to not work, and one of the clips was cut off, however I had an extra kicking around.

Along with these issues and the birth of my son, many hours where spent working on the car, but not much got done until later in the summer.

The car did not have any brakes in the front when I got it. I found a great deal on pads/rotors/calipers on Club4a so I jumped on them. I was missing a tension rod so I ordered a new set of them as well. I also picked up some seat rails and a second hand Sparco 3 point harness.

Well after some initial letdown, the car was looking hopeful for this season! I wasn't giving up, yet! At this point, I decided to ditch the turbo and get it to run using the factory cast exhaust manifold. 

In addition, I picked up a new tool for the garage... a welder! The only thing was that I have never used a welder before and depended on Youtube, as my teacher. Undeterred, I got started right away, and I made a front bumper support as my first weld project.

It fits great! A little flimsy, but it's what I had to work with! And... spoiler alert, this car is starting to change color!!! 

Approaching fall I bought a spot for Club FR DD50, and I was super determined to make it! However there where still setbacks: the car was not idling properly, and the timing was off. In the end it came down to the fact that I was not confident in taking the car to the track and beating the piss out of it with these issues. I ended up selling my spot, but that day was the first day I drove it around the block, it was loud and ugly but FUCKING RAD all at the same time!!! 

After working on the car a ton, over the summer, I let it fall to the back burner for most of the start of the winter. Well, except for this...

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